Parental influence on adult children’s choice of career

Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2023     |     PP. 263-286      |     PDF (276 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 21, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/education880498    80 Downloads     171928 Views  


Ruth Dorot, Architecture, Ariel University, Israel
Nitza Davidovitch, Education Studies, Ariel University, Israel

The current study examines the parental influence on adult children’s choice of career as students. The study explores the different factors and perceptions affecting students’ choice of a future profession, focusing on a comparison between how they perceive their parents’ career and their own choice of career. This topic holds relevance in a world of uncertainty and occupational change following the technological developments. The study consisted of 120 undergraduate students. Each participant completed a questionnaire on the quality of the relationship with their parents and the association between how they perceive their parents’ occupation and their own choice of career. The research findings show that a positive and optimal perception of one’s parents’ career anticipates positive perceptions evident in the student’s own choice of career. Parents’ income and education level also anticipate the future careers of their children. The research findings constitute a considerable contribution to understanding the family’s influence as a foundation for student decision making regarding one of their most important life choices, the choice of the professional field they will study and occupy.

Parental influence, adult children’s, choice of career

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Ruth Dorot, Nitza Davidovitch, Parental influence on adult children’s choice of career , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2023 | PP. 263-286. 10.54647/education880498


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